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F.O.B. - Outside The Palace Walls
SUBROSA &#8211;   I want SubRosa to be a soundtrack to heartbreak and grinding pain.
SUBROSA – I want SubRosa to be a soundtrack to heartbreak and grinding pain.

I want SubRosa to be a soundtrack to heartbreak and grinding pain.
16. 11. 2014

ENTHRONED &#8211; The reputation of the South American crowd lives up to its reputation and the further South you go, the hotter it gets!
ENTHRONED – The reputation of the South American crowd lives up to its reputation and the further South you go, the hotter it gets!

Belgian band ENTHRONED released the tenth studio album \"Sovereigns\" this year, they also performed at the Brutal Assault festival. Not only about it we talked with the frontman Nornagest.
26. 10. 2014

WHIPSTRIKER &#8211; I compose songs everyday when I back home from my job. Everyday I buy some beers and take my old accoustic guitar to try to create something.
WHIPSTRIKER – I compose songs everyday when I back home from my job. Everyday I buy some beers and take my old accoustic guitar to try to create something.

Interview with Victor Whipstriker.
19. 10. 2014

NUNSLAUGHTER &#8211; We are never try to be anything except who we are. We will not change.
NUNSLAUGHTER – We are never try to be anything except who we are. We will not change.

Interview with Nunslaughter (Donald Crotsley)
12. 10. 2014

DEAD CONGREGATION &#8211; The only ambition we&#8217;ve always had is to be the best that we can be for ourselves.
DEAD CONGREGATION – The only ambition we’ve always had is to be the best that we can be for ourselves.

Interview with DEAD CONGREGATION...
28. 09. 2014

ENTRAPMENT &#8211; Mainly I&#8217;m just messing around on my guitar, after a while I end up with some useable riffs.
ENTRAPMENT – Mainly I’m just messing around on my guitar, after a while I end up with some useable riffs.

The quitarist and vocalist Michel Jonker from ENTRAPMENT revealed lots of interesting stuffs about this dutch underground death metal band.
21. 09. 2014

OTARGOS &#8211; &#8222;Apex Terror&#8220; is just the beginning of a new era.
OTARGOS – „Apex Terror“ is just the beginning of a new era.

The fundator, vocalist and guitarist Dagoth told us many information not only about a perceptible musical change of the French band OTARGOS.
07. 09. 2014

MALEVOLENT CREATION &#8211; The new album will be extremely heavy!
MALEVOLENT CREATION – The new album will be extremely heavy!

The quitarist Phil Fasciana from MALEVOLENT CREATION revealed lots of interesting stuffs about this legendary American death metal band.
17. 08. 2014

HAIL OF BULLETS &#8211; We all have the same goal, and that is to create great, real death metal!
HAIL OF BULLETS – We all have the same goal, and that is to create great, real death metal!

The quitarist Stephan Gebedi from HAIL OF BULLETS revealed lots of interesting stuffs about this legendary Dutch death metal band.
03. 08. 2014

DECEASED &#8211; We play because we are metalheads always and nothing more!
DECEASED – We play because we are metalheads always and nothing more!

Answers: Kingsley \"King\" Fowley
28. 07. 2014

IMMOLATION &#8211; I wouldn&#8217;t say we are fans of conspiracy theories, but we are interested in seeing both sides of an issue and all the facts.
IMMOLATION – I wouldn’t say we are fans of conspiracy theories, but we are interested in seeing both sides of an issue and all the facts.

The quitarist Robert “Bob” Vigna from IMMOLATION revealed lots of interesting stuffs about this legendary American death metal band.
13. 07. 2014

GRAVEYARD &#8211; See you all in the Graveyard!
GRAVEYARD – See you all in the Graveyard!

With GRAVEYARD we talk about their past, present and future and we looked at the last record. Answered by guitarist, vocalist and bass player Julkarn.
29. 06. 2014

IMPERIUM DEKADENZ &#8211; We love to create our own &#8220;fortress&#8221;.
IMPERIUM DEKADENZ – We love to create our own “fortress”.

German melancholic black metal duo IMPERIUM DEKADENZ visited Prague in December 2013 for the first time. They have released four studio albums. We were talking not only about the last album \"Meadows of Nostalgia\" with Vespasian.
15. 06. 2014

JUNGLE ROT &#8211; It was from beginning clearly that we will sing about war with this name!
JUNGLE ROT – It was from beginning clearly that we will sing about war with this name!

The bass player James and the singer and guitarist Dave from JUNGLE ROT revealed lots of interesting stuffs about this legendary American death metal band.
04. 05. 2014

ANTICORPSE &#8211; We are impatient to come back and present to the our new album!
ANTICORPSE – We are impatient to come back and present to the our new album!

Interview with French black/death/thrash metal band ANTICORPSE.
27. 04. 2014

BLOOD RED THRONE &#8211; There&#8217;s no life without death, and this beautiful and brutal genre is how to deal with the fact.
BLOOD RED THRONE – There’s no life without death, and this beautiful and brutal genre is how to deal with the fact.

With BLOOD RED THRONE we talk about their past, present and future and we looked at the last record. Answered by guitarist Daniel Olaisen a singer Yngve Bolt Christiansen.
13. 04. 2014

HOKEDUN &#8211; &#8222;10 questions&#8220;
HOKEDUN – „10 questions“

Answers: Eren (guit., bass, voc.)
27. 03. 2014

TRAUMA &#8211; Whole discography of Trauma I can compare to family photo album. You look at them, browse them and feel how more intensive memories become.
TRAUMA – Whole discography of Trauma I can compare to family photo album. You look at them, browse them and feel how more intensive memories become.

The Polish Death Metalists TRAUMA published the new album Karma Obscura last year. It was a good opportunity to ask about its formation. We had a look at the history of the band. Answered by the guitarist Jaroslaw „Mister“ Misterkiewicz.
02. 02. 2014

PENTAGRAM CHILE &#8211; The police would chase us away or arrest us just because of the way we looked.
PENTAGRAM CHILE – The police would chase us away or arrest us just because of the way we looked.

There isn’t probably more cult band in the world than PENTAGRAM CHILE. We thought back to old times, spoke about the new album The Malefice and looked to the future.
29. 01. 2014

SPIRITROW &#8211; &#8222;10 questions&#8220;
SPIRITROW – „10 questions“

Answers: Joe Robazza.
15. 01. 2014

SVARTHAUEG &#8211; Drakonsk Magi
SVARTHAUEG – Drakonsk Magi

SVARTHAUEG – Drakonsk Magi CD 2013, Obscure Abhorrence Productions
07. 12. 2013

REVEL IN FLESH &#8211; Wir sind DEATH METAL Fans, vor allem von der alten Schule!
REVEL IN FLESH – Wir sind DEATH METAL Fans, vor allem von der alten Schule!

Die deutsche deathmetal Band REVEL IN FLESH bekennt schwedischen old school death Metal. Dieses Jahr hat sie das tolle Album Manifested Darkness herausgegeben und deshalb haben wir nach vielen interessanten Sachen gefragt. Geantwortet hat der Sänger Ralf.
01. 12. 2013

D&#216;DSFALL &#8211; We\'ll go on the European tour in June 2014!
DØDSFALL – We\'ll go on the European tour in June 2014!

The Norwegian band DØDSFALL is not the well-known term in our region. But their new album „Djevelens Evangelie“ does really deserve the recognition. We were talking not only about it with the vocalist Adramelech.
17. 11. 2013

PURGATORY &#8211; Unsere Lyrics sind blasphemisch, morbid und finster.
PURGATORY – Unsere Lyrics sind blasphemisch, morbid und finster.

Die deutsche deathmetal Legende Purgatory feiert bald 20 Jahre der Existenz. Dieses Jahr haben sie eine ausgezeichnete Platte Deathkvlt – Grand Ancient Arts ausgegeben. Deshalb gab es viele Gründe für ein Gespräch. Beantwortet Gitarrist René Kögel.
10. 11. 2013

KOZELJNIK &#8211; Let\'s consider our new EP as a natural progress from the last stopping point we made
KOZELJNIK – Let\'s consider our new EP as a natural progress from the last stopping point we made

Marko \"Kozeljnik\" Jerković is certainly one of the main characters in the Serbian black metal scene. The topics of an interesting interview were all of his current bands, he told us also his opinion on the current black metal scene.
06. 10. 2013

DEADBORN &#8211; Die deutschen Fans unterstürzen Ihre Gruppen, sogar sehr!
DEADBORN – Die deutschen Fans unterstürzen Ihre Gruppen, sogar sehr!

Die deutschen deathers DEADBORN haben 10 Jahre ihrer Existenz gefeiert. Sie haben sich Freude gemacht und das neue erfolgreiche Album “Mayhem Maniac Machine“ herausgegeben. Nicht nur darüber haben wir mit dem Gitarrist, Sänger Mario gesprochen
30. 06. 2013

MARCH OF THE HORDES &#8211; &#8222;10 questions&#8220;
MARCH OF THE HORDES – „10 questions“

Interview with Czech death metal band MARCH OF THE HORDES. Answers: Balda (guitar)
11. 06. 2013

ESHTADUR &#8211; &#8222;10 questions&#8220;
ESHTADUR – „10 questions“

Answers: Jorge Lopez
25. 05. 2013

SINISTER &#8211; Death metal music is the only one that I like to make regardless I make money with it or not
SINISTER – Death metal music is the only one that I like to make regardless I make money with it or not

Aad Kloosterwaard has created in the legendary death metal band SINISTER for 25 years. It was a good reason to speak about the last excellent album \"The Carnage Ending\" but even about the history, present times and future plans of the band.
12. 05. 2013

DEATHSTORM &#8211; &#8222;10 questions&#8220;
DEATHSTORM – „10 questions“

Interview with Polish death metal band DEATHSTORM. Answers: Kuba (drums)
10. 05. 2013