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F.O.B. - Outside The Palace Walls

Aswers: Pharmacist

When was your group set up, why this particular name, and what the initial reason of its creation?

Pharmacist started in spring 2020, mainly conducted by me. I had the idea for band name for about a year, and even had a logo already done, but was not sure which direction should I take it musically. So in the beginning of 2020 I just sat and wrote a bunch of riffs and decided to give it a chance to proceed. 
Originally I liked band name "Pathologist", for its simplicity and punch, and I was thinking to make a band name of some actual profession. I think it is good to leave on imagination of listeners, to have own image of why and how this connected with music. 
When I started to work on material, I decided that this project will have no boundaries for music choices, so it will be the only rule. In the end it helped a lot to make longer songs, with more dimensions to it, and make overall process more fun. 

Introduce the individual members - their age, whether they have played somewhere, and how long they have played their instrument? An especially data your companion Therapeutist because find out whatever about him throughout the website is an impossible.
Haha yes, he is mysterious character in the band, please do not search for him! He was invented by me to make the whole process working. 
As for the members, it is only duo now, and I am mainly involved in the project Crash Syndrom. I started playing guitar at around 12 or 13, and 3-4 years later started Crash Syndrom. Also I've been involed in Splattery Autopsy Protocols, Failed Treatment, and bunch of other projects, in some of them I remain anonymous. 

Under what conditions have you made a recording, are you satisfied with it, how many have you produced, what is the cost?

It had been done mainly under COVID lock-down conditions, haha. I had a chance to visit studio few times during that period, I would record some parts, bring it back home, sit on it for some time and then go back again to the studio to proceed. Once all the parts were recorded, I would have endless emails with engineer, having a remote mixing process going.
It was quite a challenge for both of us, but since we have worked together on my other projects so many times, we knew that having hard times on it doesn't mean we should skip some details for the sake of our mutual mental health, haha
 I think at that point, in those conditions, I got close enough to the image that I had about the record. Basically same applies to other releases. 
I mainly direct the whole thing, but it is really helpful to have experienced engineer who can assist on some technical details and give his opinion as well. So I had 100% freedom and support when I had questions. Which also means you have to do 100% of stuff by your own, find all faults and decide how to fix them. I know in underground scene such attitude is not common, but mostly that is the way I do things in order to put a price for the music to the public. 
For the cost it remains the same as usually, one day in a studio here in Japan basically goes from around 400 USD, and how many days do you need - on your own shoulders. I wouldn't tell the exact price since there was so much work here and there, remotely and directly, it gets blurry at the end. 

The cover is made by Adam at Strange Creature Collages, at first sight is almost identical (among others yellow frame) with cover of Pathologist „Grinding opus … I would guess the author is the same on both CD. Generally saying, cover, logo, website – how much importace do you place on these things?

Yes, Adam is amazing person and it is huge pleasure to work with him every time. I told him the idea for the cover and he came up absoutely to the point. 
For visual side, in a way, it is important part of the whole picture. It helps to tell people what it is all about even without them listening to your music. So those who never heard of you, but like the genre, might be interested to have a listen. Also, it helps to accent the musical side, the whole atmosphere. And nowadays, when so many great records are already released, it is some sort of communication with people - saying: "Hi, we dig that stuff too!". 

There is no doubt about bands what you have been inspired. The early Carcass, Pathologist and from the „newer“ for example Haemorrhage. Do you have an extraordinary relation to their production from the beginning of your career or this an issue has any deeper progress?   

I mostly enjoy old-school bands, that's how I knew the genre from the beginning. So for me it always was the way it should be done, a "starting point". Of course sometimes, deliberately, I'd make something different, but since that was the only approach to me for many years, I try to follow how I can, with that inpsiration. I guess this time I gave myself more freedom in songwriting, so it ended up more leaning to old school sound. I would like to develop sound in the future towrd that old school vibe.

You are very an active as far as recordings is concerned. During half a year you released EP, single, split, and also full length album. Do you planned this an occupation of music market or you records are spontaneous?   

Yeah, it's been quite a ride... Honestly, I had many material to work on, but I did not expect it will have demand. Once CDr for "Forensic Pathology Jurisprudence" went out, I had many offers, and I really appreciate for the interest from all labels, bands and listeners. Now, when many releases are already agreed, it is impossible to plan any more, maybe around mid of 2021.

How many shows have you done so far (if any), and which ones do you consider the best?

Pharma is generally studio project at the moment. I had thoughts to make some gigs, but I want to gather members and choose event thoroughly. At the moment, having more time to concentrate on "studio" side of band is important, since we have some upcoming new stuff, and endless working on new formats/repressing. 

Do you have ambitions to play in other countries?

Oh yes, since it is mainly studio project at the moment, I don't have a "ready-to-go" members, but the idea is good and we had some offers to play abroad. Of course in current situation it is very hard to schedule, but maybe next year we could work something out. There are many things connected to make it happen, small things, but if any of those will not work, the whole thing will be off. So we will try to plan thoroughly, when time will come. 

Plans for the future …

Keep doing stuff! There are tons of plans for new merch and releases. We have releases booked until end of next year, so stay in tune with upcoming news. Now we have merch out on Bizarre Leprous Productions, Grindfather Productions, Rectal Purulence and Acid Redux Productions, also repressed some sold out tapes and CDs. Repress for split with Golem Of Gore is also something to work on, since it's almost sold out already too. We will try to make new versions fresh and a bit different; I know there are no many - but some collectors would want such things (as me myself buying different version of same release of some of my favourite records). There are few surprises not announced yet, saved for the next year. 

REVIEW (in Czech language)


Zveřejněno: 14. 11. 2020
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Autor: Jindra | Další články autora ...



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