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F.O.B. - Outside The Palace Walls

Žebříčky redaktorů v kategorii zahraniční nahrávka roku 2011

Redakční žebříček nebyl sestaven kvůli značně různorodému vkusu jednotlivých redaktorů.

Některé kapely se sice objevily vícekrát, ale celkem se jich objevilo tolik, že stanovovat pořadí ztrácí smysl...

4x Sólstafir – Svartir Sandar, Taake – Noregs Vaapen

3x Septicflesh – The Great Mass, Opeth – Heritage

2x Kypck – Ниже, Mournful Congregation – Book of Kings, A Pale Horse Named Death – And Hell Will Follow Me, Blut Aus Nord – 777 - Sect(s), Unexpect – Fables Of The Sleepless Empire, Anaal Nathrakh – Passion, Thy Catafalque – Rengeteg, Black label Society – The Song Remains Not The Same, Immolation Providence

1. In Flames – Sounds of a Playground Fading
2. Machine Head – Unto the Locust
3. Exhumed – All Guts, No Glory
4. Kypck – Ниже
5. Megadeath – TH1RT3EN
6. Cavalera Conspiracy – Blunt Force Trauma
bez pořadí:
Black label Society – The Song Remains Not The Same
Lou Reed & Metallica – Lulu

1. Mournful Congregation – Book of Kings
2. 40 Watt Sun – The Inside Room
3. Esoteric – Paragon of Dissonance
4. Opeth – Heritage
5. Wolves in the Throne Room – Celestial Lineage
6. Lantlôs – Agape
7. Dystopia Nå! – Syklus
8. Heretoir – Heretoir
9. Infestus – E x | I s t
10. Deafheaven – Roads to Judah

1. Waldgeflüster – Femundsmarka  Eine Reise in drei Kapiteln
2. Kypck – Ниже
3. The Wounded Kings – In the Chapel of the Black Hand
4. Wolves In The Throne Room – Celestial Lineage
5. Ulver – Wars of Roses
6. Saviours – Death's Procession
7. Onslaught – Sounds of Violence
8. Nachtmystium – Live At Roadburn
9. Black Oath –The Third Aeon
10. Beneath The Frozen Soil/ Evoken

1. Sólstafir – Svartir Sandar
2. A Pale Horse Named Death – And Hell Will Follow Me
3. Čad – Ťažký kov
4. Cynic – Carbon-Based Anatomy
5. Blut Aus Nord – 777 - Sect(s)
6. A Storm Of Light – As the Valley of Death Becomes Us, Our Silver Memories Fade
7. Pain Of Salvation – Road Salt Two
8. Oranssi Pazuzu – Kosmonument
9. Unexpect – Fables Of The Sleepless Empire
10. Between The Buried And Me – The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues

1. Rise To Remain – City of Vultures
2. Threat Signal – Threat Signal
3. Anthrax – Worship Music

1. Emmure – Speaker Of The Dead
2. Protest The Hero – Scurrilous
3. Mastodon – The Hunter
4. The Blackout – Hope
5. Iwrestledabearonce – Ruining it for Everybody
6. Here Comes The Kraken – Hate, Greed and Death
7. Attila – Outlawed
8. The Air I Breathe – Great Faith In Fools
9. Chelsea Grin – My Damnation
10. Breakdown Of Sanity – Mirrors

1. Uneven Structure – Februus
2. Immolation – Providence
3. Paul Wardingham – Assimilate Regenerate
4. Fallujah – The Harvest Wombs
5. Thurisaz – The Cimmerian Years
6. Ordinance – Internal Monologues
7. Draconian – A Rose for the Apocalypse
8. Ghost Brigade – Until Fear No Longer Defines Us
9. David Maxim Micic – Bilo
10. Insomnium – One For Sorrow

1. Opeth – Heritage
2. My Dying Bride – Evinta
3. Leprous – Bilateral
4. Thy Catafalque – Rengeteg
5. Pain Of Salvation – Road Salt Two
6. Falloch – Where distant spirits remain
7. Helheim – Heiðindómr ok mótgangr
8. Taake – Noregs vaapen
9. Vallenfyre – A fragile king
10. Devin Townsend Project – Deconstruction

1. Moonsorrow – Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa
2. Sólstafir – Svartir Sandar
3. Kampfar – Mare
4. Septicflesh – The Great Mass
5. Wormfood – Posthume
6. Belphegor – Blood magick necromance
7. Unexpect – Fables Of The Sleepless Empire
8. Vreid – V
9. Textures – Dualism
10. Taake – Noregs Vaapen

1. Fleshgod Apocalypse – Agony
2. Black Dahlia Murder – Ritual
3. Anaal Nathrakh – Passion
4. Rotten Sound – Cursed
5. Absurd Universe – Habeas corpus
6. Apocalypse Warhead – Opening the silos
7. Arkona – Slovo
8. Legion Of The Damned – Descent into chaos
9. Attack Of Rage – Svate zlo
10. All Shall Parish – This is where it ends

1. Thy Catafalque – Rengeteg
2. Sólstafir – Svartir Sandar
3. Opeth – Heritage
4. Cianide – Gods Of Death
5. Lock Up – Necropolis Transparent


1. Devil Driver – Beast

2. Miss May I – Monument

3. Last Minute Sedative – Great City Of Ashes

4. Insense – Burn In Beautiful Fire

5. Icon In Me – Head Break Solution

6. August Burns Red – Leveler

7. The Black Dahlia Murder – Ritual

8. A Past Unknown – To Those Perishing

9. Rise To Remain – City of Vultures
10. As Blood Runs Black – Instinct

1. Whitin Temptation – The Unforgiven
2. UDO – Rev Raptor
3. Amon Amarth – Surtur Rising
4. Megadeth – Thirsten
5. Saxon – Call To Arms
6. Sixx A.M. – This Is Gona Hurt
7. Whitesnake – Forevermore
8. Anthrax – Worship Music
9. Alestorm – Back Through Time
10. Destruction – Day of Reckoning

1. Amorphis – The Beginning of Times
2. Pain – You Only Live Twice
3. Graveworm – Fragments of Death
4. Theatres Des Vampires – Moonlight Waltz
5. Gothminister – Anima Inferna
6. Mygrain – Mygrain
7. Poisonblack – Drive
8. Turmion Katilot – Perstechnique
9. Universum – Mortuus Machina
10. Vision Of Atlantis – Delta

1. Immolation – Providence (EP)
2. Anaal Nathrakh – Passion
3. Marduk – Iron Dawn (EP)
4. The Stone – Golet
5. Primordial – Redemption at the Puritan's Hand
6. Decapitated – Carnival is Forever
7. Morbid Angel – Illud Divinum Insanus
8. Gorath – Apokálypsis - Unveiling The Age That Is Not To Come
9. Iperyt – No State of Grace
10. Vader – Welcome to the Morbid Reich

1. Nightwish – Imaginaerum
2. Rhapsody of Fire – From Chaos to Eternity
3. Mayan – Quarterpast
4. Stratovarius – Elysium
5. Symfonia – In Paradisum
6. Septicflesh – The Great Mass
7. Leprous – Bilateral
8. Sons of Seasons – Magnisphyricon

1. Lifelover – Sjukdom
2. Children Of Bodom – Relentless Reckless
3. Taake – Noregs Vaapen
3. Necromorph – Grinding Black Zero
4. Burzum – Fallen   

1. Septicflesh – The Great Mass
2. Insomnium – One for Sorrow
3. A Pale Horse Named Death - And Hell Will Follow Me
4. Demonaz – March of The Norse
5. Solstafir – Svartir Sandar

1. Black Country Communion – II.
2. Whitesnake – Forevermore
3. Black Label Society – The Song Remains Not The Same
4. Uriah Heep – Into the Wild
5. Ken Hensley and Live Fire – Faster
6. Motorhead – The World Is Yours
7. Alice Cooper – Welcome The Nightmare II.
8. Graveyard – Hisingen Blues
9. Rival Sons – Pressure and Time
10. The Answer – 412 Days of Rock n Roll (live)

1. Blut Aus Nord – 777 The Desanctification
2. Mournful Congregation - The Book of Kings
3. Taake – Noregs Vaapen
4. Ebonylake – In Swathes Of Brooding Light
5. Mythological Cold Towers – Immemorial 

Zveřejněno: 26. 01. 2012
3550 x
Autor: Johan | Další články autora ...



30. 01. 2012 12:26 napsal/a DW
tak to víš že sem to drtil, ale mám od nich radši předchozí alba. Destroyers sem tak neposlouchal jako zbytek těch desek loni :)
30. 01. 2012 12:18 napsal/a O.
deska roku!
!!! Ulcerate - Destroyers of All !!! ... To to nikdo neslyšel, že jste to nezmínili? :(
29. 01. 2012 22:14 napsal/a DW
já hlavně čuměl u Vladimíra, jsem nevěděl, že 75% jeho TOPU ještě vůbec žije/hraje :).. Agilní dědci, toto
29. 01. 2012 19:12 napsal/a Opat
4 immortal
Tak to se moc neshodneme, hehe. Legion of the Damned dost zklamání, hodně jednotvárná deska. Od Taake a Tsjuder jsem čekal mnohem víc. Decapitated mám v TOP také, ačkoliv předchozí desky jsou pro mne výš. Loni to celkově bylo o něco slabší.
26. 01. 2012 16:27 napsal/a Dave
Koukám že jsem černá ovce rodiny :-D