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FORGOTTEN SILENCE - Vemork Konstrukt

Answers: Abdelillah Krim

We received the CD for the editorial review with a 4th year delay ... and Abdelillah Krim also took his time with the interview. But I'm still happy for the answers ...

When was your group set up, why this particular name, what does it mean and what the initial reason of its creation?

BARZAKH was set up in 2013, back when me and a couple of Egyptian friends tried to build the project. Later on I separate from them and keep the name and the brand. Barzakh, as it is mentioned in “Metallum”, In Islam, is an intermediate stage in which the soul of the deceased awaits Judgement Day”. The reason for its creation is that I wanted to create some music in the crossroads of all my influences, which go from prog to black metal.
Introduce the individual members - their age, whether they have played somewhere, and how long they have played their instrument?

One man band, Abdelillah Krim – All instruments (since 2013)

Under what conditions have you made a recording, are you satisfied with it, how many have you produced, has it been with sales, what is the cost?

I produced the 1st album all by myself, digitally, before finding a label, Haarbn Productions, which helped with the release. It was set up to 500 copies. The 2nd album will be on a different label though.

Lyrics - why did you decide to sing in English... who wrote the words, what topics have you choosen?

I write all the lyrics and all the music. English seemed like a natural choice, I don’t know why. It’s smoother than French or German. The band signs about life and death and human being’s inner struggles. That’s it.

Who is the author of the logo, cover, Website – how much importace do you placeon these things?

Again I made the logo and the cover for the 1st album was chosen by the label, from a young Russian female artist. 

Which bands have inspired you?


Have you sent your recordings to the labels… which ones? What was their response?

I didn’t. I got contacted by some of them.

How many shows have you done, and which ones do you consider the best?

No shows here in Morocco, nothing special.

Do you have ambitions to play in other countries? 

Our dream is to tour the world, of course.

Plans for the future... 

2nd album, better label, and Europe tour.


Celé album

Zveřejněno: 15. 08. 2020
1636 x
Autor: 4horsemen | Další články autora ...



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