What is the date of foundation of your band? Whats the meaning of the bandname? What was the initial impulse to form a band?
Prediction was formed in the middle of 2013 under the name „Gorgos Prediction“, 2014 we changed our name to Prediction. The meaning of Prediction is the same like a prophecy, that means we predict the future of hell! The impulse to form a band is just to make old school music and have fun. Meanwhile its the biggest passion in our life.
Introduce band members – Name, age, musical experience, anything else you wanna share.
The Members of Prediction are Dave on Guitar/Vocals and Fabian on Drums and we both were born in 1994. Bevore we started with Prediction we both were drumer of the same Death Metal Band but it doesn`t work, so we started with Prediction.
What about your latest recording – Where/how it was recorded/produced? Who released it, how is it doing?
After our second album „Hell Strikes Back“ (2017) we released this year a 7“ Vinyl Single with the title „No Tombs For The Holy“. It includes one intro and two songs and represents a little foretaste of the third album. We recorded the single at DeepDeepPressure Studios and release it by ourselfs. The business is going well and the single got really good feedback.
Lyrics – what language do you use (and why?) and what are the topics/importance?
All our lyrics are english cause we don`t want to sing in our language (german), we don`t like german language in Metal. The topics of our lyrics are like the typical lyrics from this genre. We sing about Hell, Satan, Blasphemy, the Evil, Alcohol, Violence and about the Metal scene.
Who is behind your graphic designs – how important is this to you?
The Cover of our first album was drawn by Adam Pühringer (Eisenhand, Heavy Metal) and the cover of the second album was painted by the master Velio Josto from Italy. The layout of the albums, promotion material is made by ourselfs. We think good covers and desings are important for a band cause nobody want`s to see some rediculus stuff, right? :D
Which bands/people/artists would you label as your source of inspiration (if there are any such)?
That`s an easy question, it`s an mixture of the old gods and the „new“ bands like Venom, Celtic Frost, Darkthrone, Bathory, Nifelheim, Desaster, Destroyer 666, old Ketzer, Cruel Force, Power From Hell, Omega......
Whats your experience with applying for record contract(s) with record labels... Are you happy where you are?
We don`t have any experience with labels cause we don`t work with one in the moment, all our stuff is self-released! But we are think about working with labels for the third album.
How many gigs have you played so far, any good ones to mention?
Thrash Nightmare Fetival will be the concert number 35! All of them were great but our favourite concerts were the support for Whipstriker/Apocalyptic Raids in Germany 2016 and the two day Mini-Tour Graz/Salzburg (Austria) this year.
Whats your global ambition of the band – working hard on becoming bigger? Or primaly just having fun?... or anything else?
Of course working hard on becomming bigger, but we don`t want to get comercial, we want to stay in the underground area.
Your plans for future? And are you looking forward to your show at Thrash Nightmare festival vol. 6? :-)
Of course! We vistit the Thrash Nightmare Festival last year for the first time an it was a blast and it`s an honor for us to be a part of Vol. 6 and play with bands like Sodomizer and Necrodeath. About the futureplans, we work in the moment on our third album which will be released in 2020 and we are confirmed for some great festival gigs for the next year.
Stay tuned Bastards and don`t forget, Stryper is the enemy!!!
Info about Thrash Nightmare festival vol. 6 (27.10. 2018, Písek - Divadlo Pod Čarou):
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