What is the date of foundation of your band? Whats the meaning of the bandname? What was the initial impulse to form a band?
Siniestro started its path in the end of 2012 in Stockholm Sweden. Siniestro is a spanish word and stands for something that is dark and evil in the spirit. The band was created in the downfall of a deaththrash band called Graverape Ritual. Two of the members by the names “Commander” and “The Machine” decided to take things into their own hands and continue their musical path in this new filthy project called Siniestro.
Introduce band members – Name, age, musical experience, anything else you wanna share.
Siniestro is a raging trio that consists of The Machine who was born in Chile in 1974 and has toured the world in numerous bands since the early 90s. His hardhitting passion behind the drums are also what led him to Europe in the first place and now he lives in Sweden since 2006.
On guitar and vocals stands Commander, born in 1984, a man from the northern part of Sweden, located far above the Arctic Circle where it is no light in the wintertime and and in the summertime the sun never sets. Extreme elements combined.
From Stockholm Sweden stands Bassriot and he is the final piece of the puzzle that is Siniestro. Born in 1986 , despite his young age has played with lots of artists around the world and brought the razorsharp and precise basslines linking the brutal riffing and battery of Commander & The Machine into a panzerdevastation.
What about your latest recording – Where / How it was recorded/produced? Who released it, how is it doing?
Our latest recording “Arctic Blood EP” took place in early May in Stockholm and was recorded by Mr Dino M. It is written and produced by ourselves and it will be released in August by Black Lion Records.
Lyrics – what language do you use (and why?) and what are the topics / importance?
We have songs in both swedish & english. It is the feeling and the passion in the song that determines if the words should be in swedish or english. We even have latin phrases in some of our songs. Our lyrical themes are found in life,death, darkness & light. Its a channel to get the hatered into production. A deathless soul without a name.
Who is behind your graphic designs – how important is this to you?
We have collaborated with many different artist from different parts of the world. We like to choose different artists for different projects rather than choose the same artist everytime. This is a reflection of the music we create. We do not follow trends , directions or specific genres. We do our own thing and following our own path. The different artists helps us to create the right graphics & art for the specific projects.
Which bands/people/artists would you label as your source of inspiration (if there are any such)?
There are of course to many to mention but to mention a few and not in any specific order:
GG Allin, Burzum, Danzig, Drudkh, Pantera, Misfits, Slayer, Motörhead, Unleashed, Deströyer 666 etc
Whats your experience with applying for record contract(s) with record labels... Are you happy where you are?
For us it has always been important to find a label that supports us and what we want to do 100%. We are not interrested in anything that forces us to become something that we dont believe in. We stand where we stand and we will continue our legacy with Siniestro the way we choose to do. Never what we are told to do. Black Lion Records stands besides us andwe are looking forward to this new collaboration. With that said, we also like to thank our former label Bleeding Heart Nihlist for standing by us for the two previous albums.
How many gigs have you played so far, any good ones to mention?
Oh that is a tough question, both to count and to choose. We have done numerous shows & tours across Europe since we started the band and later this year we shall tour Central America for the first time. Its impossible to choose a best show so far but Czech Republic has been fantastic for us everytime. The fans are totally crazy and full of energy and passion. To stand infront of an audience like that make you extremely proud and honoured as a musician.
Whats your global ambition of the band – working hard on becoming bigger ? Or primaly just having fun?... or anything else?
From the beginning we always knew that Siniestro could become something really great. If greatness is counted in mainstream fans and fame, we are not there but if you count the greatness in being able to write and perform the music we want with no boundaries or restrictions, total greatness is achieved. No appologize. No compromise.
Plans for future?
As mentioned earlier we have a new EP coming out in August and after that we shall start writing the songs for a full length to be released in 2019. We are also touring Central America & Europe to continue our path of legacy.