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DARK GAMBALLE – „Dobrý lhář“

Interview with German thrashers ...

Because I am in contact with you for the first time, I'd like you to introduce yourselves.


Hi Deather! This is Björn of Viu Drakh. To put it in a nutshell: Viu Drakh is a four piece from East Germany that loves to play a mix of Metal and crust punk. We´ve been playing together since 1996 and are still in the same line-up. We played more than 300 shows everywhere in Europe so far and try to keep on moshing the next 10 years.


Were there any other bands, projects before VIU DRAKH?


Before Viu Drakh there was another band called "TinPanAlley". This band released two Albums and then split up. Viu Drakh is a totally new band and has nothing to do with the old T.P.A. crap.


I heard you at NUCLEAR STORM for the first time, I loved you music, but the point of view as well. I should ask you the first, what do you think about NUCLEAR STORM, if you were satisfied with the organization, which bands, except for the guitar problem, what about satisfaction with you own performance?


Hehe. I remember this guitar problem. I dont have a replacement guitar at the moment and it was the first time in years that one of the strings broke. So I had to use one of these ugly B.C. Rich guitars from Fish. Unfortunally my strap doesnt fit to this guitars - so it took a moment. But anyway. Everything was fine with the show and the festival and we hat a lot of fun.


Because you made a good opinion to me, I asked some questions about youAnd someone said you have already played with VADER? What about otherperformances and were you satisfied?


Yep. We had the great opportunity to go on tour with Vader and Krabathor some years ago and everything worked fine. Last year we had a really great European tour with Cannibal Corpse - everything easy and cool as well. I think after so many years of Viu Drakh and hundrets of shows we´re still quite easy-care guys. A stage - a beer - some food and we´re satisfied.


I heard that in Germany you have a cult-band-status, that you are devoted to your own style and attitute to the fans etc. Is it true?


Hmm. I dont know. As far as I know we´re not in the charts at the moment. Hehe. Well, yes we have a lot of Die-hard fans here who come to nearly every concert. On the other hand there are enough of people who cant handle our Metal-Punk attitude. I dont know if we are a cult band. Maybe one of us should die in a theatralic way. This would certainly help a lot...


I heard as well, that your image is changing day-to-day, haha. A punk One time, in the booklet photo you have a moustache and now something Completely different. why is it so, haha. please take it as a joke.


Hehe. I liked this mustache very much. This made Fish look like a porn star. Hehe. But to be honest, Fish had some trouble with his face skin and has to shave every day to avoid a skin desease. But everything else is still the same. Maybe we should think about corpse paint next time?


When playing your performance I thought you are extremely well matched. What do you like on trash/death metal, that you can serve it this way, that people like it so much? What influenced you, do you have some favorites?


I think Heavy Metal is a honest and raw shit of music - we try to play it that way. And: Heavy Metal is Fun! If people pay money to see a concert they want to have fun. We try to give this back to the audience. Thats our philosophy.  Influences. Hmm. I think we have the same influences that all Death/Trash bands would name  here. Besides this we have a fave for british/swedish crust like Doom, Warcollapse, Disfear, Driller Killer etc.


At your stall I bought your album "Death Riff Society", which was recorded in 2001. You were offering there another album, but I cannot remember the title. I bought only the one Björn had said is the best, hahaha. So what is you discography like, tell me what have you already done, how do the albums sound, for the people to know what should they purchase.


 Hmm. Our label-boss is just standing beside me with a gun to my head - so i shoud be careful what I say... There is the "Back to the chaos"-Album (1998).This one was more a "demo" that finally brougt the deal with Moonstorm records. This one is not available any more.  The second Viu Drakh album was "Take no prisoners, grind them all and leave this Hell" (2000). A lot of our fans say, that this one is THE Viu Drakh album at all. Because of the perfect mix of Punk and Metal. The third album is "Death Riff Society". This album was produced in the Berno-Studios in Malmö/Sweden and has the best sound of all V.D. albums so far.  There is also a Viu Drakh/Driller Killer Split EP available that is really funny.


What have you been preparing? The album "Death Riff." had been produced Quite a time ago. Your line-up has to be very steady, isn't it? What are you planning?


Right at the moment we finished the first pre-production for the next album. If everything works fine we´ll record this one end of the year. The album will be a "Best of" of the other two albums: A Metal/Crust mix with a really great sound! A steady line-up is essential for our work. We have been musicians AND friends for many years. Unfortunately our  bassplayer Joo had to leave Viu Drakh for several month because of some trouble in his life. But he will re-join us soon and we´re happy about that.


"Death Riff." album was produced under MOONSTORM RECORDS, is everythingallright? Are you satisfied or are you planning some changes?


Everything fine with Moonstorm. This Label is mainly focussed on Gothic bands. We are the only Metal band there and can do what ever we want. It doesnt look like Warner Music would have an eye on us. So. Still the same.


On the album "Death Riff." we can meet a killer trash, right. but tell Me something about the last track "Ace Of Spades", how it was spawned, guests, why this Motorheadlike music?


This was one of the first songs in our live-set. We have been playing it for many many years and finally a lot of people wanted to have our version on CD. Our label had to ask Mr. Kilmister himself for the right to put this on CD. He said:" Oh. No. Not Ace of Spades again. Why do these bands always cover Ace of Spades? But anyway. Do it." Hehe. We were accomodated in some flats of the guys of Driller Killer. So we asked Cliff (D.K. vocalist)to join the Ace od Spades session. Johan from Deranged is one of the assistants in the studio ? so he played the solo-tracks. Besides Viu Drakh we have a project called "Ironfist" where we play only Motörhead songs. It´s a three-piece with Fish on the bass. Bassplayer Joo is our Roadie. Hehe.


Are you satisfied with your life, would you change anything?

Yes. No.


Are you satisfied with the music evolution, especially trash? I think That trash is returning in different forms and you can smell the good old Trash roots from new bands, what do you think?


We don´t really care about this Thrash-Death-Black-Grind-Doom-NuMetal-whatever discussion. We are interested in all kinds of loud music. And there´s always something to explore. ATM I have a Judast Priest Flashback. Fish is switching between Cannibal Corpse, Led Zeppelin and Rory Gallagher. So.Anyway...


What can people buy at your address? If you have something else to say, you?


We want to send some big THANX to Pedro and our friend and driver Pumlic! You guys rule! If anyone out there is interested in Viu Drakh visit us at All our stuff is available over this Page. Thanx for the interview and all the best for your zine!

Zveřejněno: 05. 10. 2003
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Autor: Deather | Další články autora ...



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